Sunday, January 4, 2009

Run Out Of Gas

It was my Dear's birthday on 1st of Jan 2009. We went to a Italian restaurant at Dubai Festival Centre to celebrate his birthday. When we arrived, we waited for someone to serve us at the restaurant's entrance. We were "puzzled" as it was a New Year Day..."how come the restaurant looked empty and only two tables were being occupied." Usually the restaurant would be packed with people during the season holiday. Finally the waitress approached us and told us they were unable to serve cooked food tonight as their restaurant had run out of gas! They could only serve salad and drinks. Oh gosh...what a joke! It was a holiday season...and the restaurant has run out of will never happen in my hometown-Singapore! Well, we ended up eating Yo Sushi!

Ps: the above pictures were taken on my birthday at the Italian restaurant. They really serve "beri nice" food!

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